Mexican Pinks by Carolyn Schmitz
Mojave Dress-Up by Carolyn Schmitz
Murder & Mayhem in Prescott By Drew Desmond and Brad G. Courtney
Navajo Weavers of the American Southwest By Ann Lane Hedlund, Ramona Sakiestewa and Peter Hiller
Noon change of Horses Artwork by George Phippen Phippen Western Art Show Poster 2016 42nd Annual
Prescott's Original Whiskey Row By Bradley G. Courtney
Pueblo Indian by Ramon Kelly 1999 25th Annual Phippen Western Art Show
Queen of the Night II by Carolyn Schmitz
Raccoon In the Evening by Carolyn Schmitz
Racing the Sun by Tom Hass // 1998 24th Annual Phippen Western Art Show
Reaching Shore by Mary Ann Cherry //2008 34th Annual Phippen Western Art Show
San Marino Spikes by Carolyn Schmitz
Sedona By Lisa Schnebly Heidinger, Janeen Trevillyan, and the Sedona Historical Society
Shadows on the Mesa: Artists of the Painted Desert and Beyond by Gary Filmore
Short Cut by George Phippen
Sidewinder Post Card by George Phippen
Snakeskin Dress by Carolyn Schmitz
Southwest Art Definined (an illustrated guide) by Margaret Moore Booker
Sunset Wedgies by Carolyn Schmitz
The Invitation by Carol Schmitz
The Joe BeelerSketch Book by Joe Beeler
The Most Beautiful Villages and Towns of the Southwest by Joan Tapper
The Squirrel's Dream by Carol Schmitz
The Wedding Bower by Carolyn Schmitz