Glorious Forest Hat by Carolyn Schmitz

Glorious Forest Hat by Carolyn Schmitz

  • $5.00
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A bobcat, identified by his tufted ears and luxurious chops, is more than pleased with his forest topknot–as compensation for his short tail, perhaps. Overlapping mullein leaves spring from a headband of macrame pine needles. One silvery townsendia daisy, a western dayflower, and arcs of scarlet gilia would be enough. “But how could I NOT tuck in a couple of rabbit ears,” he muses. “And the cottony tails look so nice with the pussy willows!”

Greeting cards from original paintings by Arizona artist Carolyn Schmitz. Whimsical portraits of wildlife and native plants from the mountains and deserts. Greeting cards are 5×7 and blank inside. The back of each card lists the native plants used in the painting. Envelopes are included.  Printed in the USA